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*Reviews are shared by real users and provided for reference purposes only. Individual results may vary.

My acne stopped coming back

Carina Lau, 33

DR's Secret review Carina Lau before
DR's Secret review Carina Lau after

I used to put on makeup everyday. Without proper cleansing, the acne kept coming back. As I was afraid that heavy products would cause my skin to breakout more, I would use lighter products and neglected on hydration. This made my skin very dehydrated. I'd also pick on my acne, which led to pigmentation and dullness.

Within 1 month of using DR's Secret, I saw obvious improvements - my pores felt clean and my skin tone brightened and was more even.

My favourite product is Refining Serum 9 as it helped to refine my pores and has soothing and firming properties.

I have been using DR's Secret for 18 months now and my skin is stable, my pores are more refined and there's a radiant glow. What makes me most happy is that I no longer have to put on foundation or concealers to boost my confidence!

6 years of using DR's Secret and I'm still loving it

Jessica Chen, 31

DR's Secret review Jessica Chen before
DR's Secret review Jessica Chen after

My skin was sensitive with acne and large pores. I tried laser facial treatments and took medication, thinking that my skin will become more stable. But after a year and more, my sensitive skin condition only worsened.

I started using DR's Secret 6 years ago. At the start, I diligently followed the guidance of my Skin Buddy. She'd review my routine weekly and in 2 months, I saw obvious skin improvements. With 5 months of consistent use, my skin bcecame a lot more stable. So many people have asked me how did I improve my skin!

I focused on hydration a lot as I believe that proper hydration is half the battle won to any skin problems. My current hydration routine looks like this: 8, 2, A3, 10, 9, 6, 5. I'd make sure to end off with Sunscreen 5 to protect the skin.

I'd recommend DR's Secret to everyone!

In 1 month, my skin felt more hydrated, brighter and less bumpy

Elena Ko, 25

DR's Secret review Elena Ko before
DR's Secret review Elena Ko after

My skin used to be very dry and dull with acne problems. I started to see skin improvements after 1 month of using DR's Secret. My skin felt more hydrated, looked brighter and was less bumpy. This gave me confidence in the products as they helped to improve the skin issues that I've never been able to resolve.

My favourite is Cleanser 1 - I think it's one of the best facial wash that I've used. It feels comfortable having the thick foam on my face and it doesn't leave my skin feeling dry. I pair it once a week with Miraglo to soften and remove dead skin cells, which gave me softer skin. I felt so much difference just from cleansing alone, so you can imagine why I'd love this product range so much.

Friends and family around me also commented that my skin has become better, which naturally boosted my confidence. I no longer have to use concealers and this feeling of fresh, breathable skin is truly one I've never experienced before!

I no longer have acne breakouts

Belinda Lim, 32

DR's Secret review Belinda Lim before
DR's Secret review Belinda Lim after

In the years when I was an air stewardess, my skin became very sensitive and dehydrated due to heavy makeup, late nights and irregular lifestyle habits. I never dared to go bare face and would rely on foundations and concealers whenever I was out. This along with improper cleansing caused my skin to breakout in acne, making me really sad.

After using DR's Secret for 3 months, I noticed my skin's hydration levels went up and the redness and sensitivity improved. My skin became more stable and no longer broke out in acne. My favourite item is the Refining Serum 9 as it helped to calm my red and angry skin and made it look more firm!

Today I've used DR's Secret for 1 year and 9 months. My skin now has a healthy radiant glow and I no longer need to apply heavy makeup when heading out. DR's Secret helped me to regain my confidence and flawless foundation-free skin.

I finally overcame my 5-year struggle with acne

Jessie Cheng, 24

DR's Secret review Jessie Cheng before
DR's Secret review Jessie Cheng after

I used to struggle with acne and acne scars for 5 years. I tried many acne treatment methods but whenever my skin showed some improvements, improper skin care habits and use of products unsuitable for my skin would bring me back to square one. I got used to concealing my skin with heavy makeup. My skin looked so different before and after makeup that I would never dare to show my bare face.

This was till I started using DR's Secret, which changed my skin and my life. In the first week, I went through a purging phase where my skin had more acne and felt rough. But this went away after 2 weeks. My skin then felt renewed, radiant, well-hydrated and kept improving. This was something I'd never experienced before.

My favourite products are Spot Serum 8, Age Arrest A3 set and Miraglo Face.

My family and friends saw the improvements to my skin and they too wanted to try. Eventually, they also resolved their years of skin troubles with DR's Secret and are now more confident. I'm really thankful that I got to know DR's Secret and am now able to confidently go foundation free.

I found the solution to my prolonged pores, acne and scarring problems

Chen Yi Wen, 29

DR's Secret review Chen Yi Wen before
DR's Secret review Chen Yi Wen after

I used to have dry combination skin with redness and slight sensitivity. When the weather is warm or when wearing mask, my cheeks will turn red easily.

Other than redness, I'm most conscious about my enlarged pores, blackheads and dull skin tone. Feeling ill-confident about my skin, I'd make sure to wear makeup whenever I went out.

To date I've used DR's Secret for more than 1.5 years, which means that I've gone foundation-free for 1.5 years too. My favourites are Skinlight T3 and Skinrecon T4 as they have helped me progress towards radiant, glowing skin.

I'd never have imagined that my skin could change so much in the last 1 year. Or that this skin care range could be the solution to my prolonged pores, acne and scarring problems. My skin is still improving and getting better up till today!

DR's Secret reduced my dependence on makeup

Lee Wen, 33

DR's Secret review Lee Wen before
DR's Secret review Lee Wen after

Before using DR's Secret, my skin was dull, had large pores and occasional acne. These acne also left deep scar marks and obvious dark spots.

After using DR's Secret, my skin became a lot cleaner and brighter. Hydration level also went up. With consistent care, my dull and uneven skin tone was also resolved.

My favourite product is Refining Serum 9. I find it effective for soothing and calming the skin, minimising pore appearance and firming up my face contours.

Before my skin improved, I used to rely on makeup to cover my acne and scars, which worsened my enlarged pores and dull skin.

The moment I started using DR's Secret, I stopped makeup entirely, hoping to reduce my dependence on it. Today, this product range has helped me become more confident and has also benefited my family and friends, giving them healthy radiant skin too!

Ex-air stewardess ditched foundation for fresh, glowing skin

Sabrina Wong, 28

DR's Secret review Sabrina Wong before
DR's Secret review Sabrina Wong after

As an ex-air stewardess, I used to cake on heavy layers of foundation, which caused my skin to become dull and sallow with large pores. Though I'd go for regular facial treatments, but blackheads and acne would return. I thought I could simply cover these up with foundation but I can't deny the discouragement I'd feel each time I removed my makeup.

Within 2 months of using DR's Secret, I could see obvious improvements to my large pores and hydration levels. My skin also had a subtle glow. I've used DR's Secret for more than a year now and the blackheads and acne have lessened. What makes me most happy is to see my pores becoming more refined.

My favourite product is Cleanser 1 and I look forward to the feeling of fresh, hydrated skin after use. When paired with Miraglo, I notice my skin becoming brighter and more firm after each use.

I'm thoroughly enjoying skin care now as it feels so satisfying to see the good results after taking care of my skin!

As a guy, I encountered troubled skin too...

Lu Yin Heng, 34

DR's Secret review Lu Yin Heng before
DR's Secret review Lu Yin Heng after

I used to receive many compliments for my skin and felt pretty confident about myself. However, I still felt troubled by the blackheads, acne and wrinkles around my eyes and forehead. I tried many skin care brands, drugstore brands and bought products from overseas, but I often found myself still searching for a solution that could really solve my skin problems.

When I started using DR's Secret, I observed my skin becoming more radiant in just one week. Friends around me also noticed that my skin had improved. I've used DR's Secret products for 6 months now and my skin is a lot more stable. I'm no longer troubled by acne and large pores. My face seems to appear smaller as my skin has become firmer too!

My best decision in life? Starting skin care early

Xiong Jia Yu, 24

DR's Secret review Xiong Jia Yu before
DR's Secret review Xiong Jia Yu after

Since puberty, I struggled with clogged pores, acne, blackheads especially on the nose and uneven skin tone. My skin looks dull and I must apply foundation before I would go out.

My mom started using DR's Secret and introduced the products to me when she saw good results. In the first few days of use, I could feel my skin becoming clearer, smoother and more breathable.

Though I experienced some skin reactions such as peeling and tingling, my mom who also plays the role of my skin consultant would assure me that my skin was going through a transition phase and would eventually improve with time and patience.

As I kept applying the products for 1 month, 6 months and to date 3 years, it has only become better. My skin is now firm, radiant with an even skin tone and I no longer struggle with acne.

I'm glad that I started cultivating good skin care habits young so that now I'm much more confident. My friends would also tell me that my skin looks healthy!

Severe acne? No more!

Lin Yan Jhen, 25

DR's Secret review Lin Yan Jhen before
DR's Secret review Lin Yan Jhen after

I used to have severe acne. As a result, I had low self-esteem and avoided going out or talking to people.

In the initial weeks of using DR's Secret, my skin went through a purging phase and more pimples started to appear. I was really worried and afraid and thought of stopping my routine.

However, my sister (who is also my DR's Secret skin consultant) kept encouraging me and shared with me success stories of people with acne skin condition that were worse than mine. This increased my confidence in the products and gave me the courage to persist on.

After 6 months, my skin improved and breakouts no longer occurred. The acne scars lightened tremendously too. Today I feel confident inside out and am a lot more joyful!

After 10 years of heavy makeup, today I'm foundation-free

Tian Yu Ann, 31

DR's Secret review Tian Yu Ann before
DR's Secret review Tian Yu Ann after

As a former air stewardess, I struggled with every skin problem you could imagine due to time and weather differences - enlarged pores, pimples, dullness. I often looked tired and in order to look my best for work, I would apply very heavy makeup.

I went through a skin renewal phase while using DR's Secret products where my skin looked even more dull for the first month. But my skin consultant patiently explained that my skin was purging the dirt that was within after 10 years of heavy makeup. She encouraged me just like a friend to not give up.

This helped me to have more confidence in the products and true enough, in a few months, my pore problems improved and my skin looked radiant and smooth.

Many of my friends and colleagues remarked that I was glowing and asked me which foundation brand I was using. I would tell them that the only products I had applied were skin care and sunscreen! Today I am completely foundation-free!

From makeup addict to bare skin addict

Kylie Lim, 32

DR's Secret review Kylie Lim before
DR's Secret review Kylie Lim after

I used to be heavily dependent on makeup and would not go anywhere without it. I would apply makeup before my yoga classes and even when I had a midnight flight to catch for work.

This long-term reliance caused my skin to become more sensitive and I started to encounter redness, dullness, enlarged pores and blackheads.

I was surprised to hear that DR's Secret products could help me achieve healthy foundation-free skin, sounds too good to be true?

But true enough, after using DR's Secret for 1 month, my skin looked less dull and more hydrated. After 2 months, my pores appeared cleaner, smaller and the blackheads were gone. I could even go to work foundation-free. In just 3 months, my skin looked visibly brighter and had a natural glow!

From being addicted to makeup, I've now become addicted to bare skin!

Changing my skin destiny transformed my life

Fang Ye Qing, 32

DR's Secret review Fang Ye Qing before
DR's Secret review Fang Ye Qing after

Struggling with acne problems caused me to feel ill-confident. I was often moody, didn't like to talk much and avoided meeting up with my friends.

Then, I got to know DR's Secret. Within 10 days of using the products, I could feel that my skin was no longer oily; it felt clean, clear and looked brighter. After a month, the acne on my face cleared up and within 3 months, the stubborn acne scars faded. My skin looked radiant and smooth.

I had a very dedicated skin consultant who took great care of my skin. She would guide me on the amount of product I should use and taught me how to apply them.

As I trusted her and gave her my full cooperation, I was able to achieve results beyond expectation. I like the present me very much - I've grown to be more cheerful and it feels that my life is only going to get better.

DR's Secret won me over with these 3 points

Iris Yang, 39

DR's Secret review Iris Yang before
DR's Secret review Iris Yang after

I run a startup and work is a never-ending cycle of meetings and work trips. This caused my skin to be unstable - dry and dull with visible pores.

When I first started using DR's Secret, I was impressed!

Firstly, the products work. Within a week, I could feel that my skin had become more hydrated. After using for a year now, my dull skin has become brighter, firmer and the pores have appeared smaller. I haven't had such good results despite using many other brands before.

Secondly, it saves me time. I can easily follow the routine at home and see results. This is a big plus point for me who is big on time management.

Lastly, I had a personal skin consultant to guide me along. In fact I had 2! He and his wife resolved many questions I had about skin care and responded promptly to my needs. Together, they helped me greatly in my skin journey.

Now that my skin has become smoother, I look more radiant, youthful and confident.

Even my female friends would be envious about my good skin

Brian Jaow , 28

DR's Secret review Brian Jaow before
DR's Secret review Brian Jaow after

Improper use of steroid products caused my skin to become highly sensitive, with obvious blood vessel veins, redness and rashes on my cheeks.

This lasted for 2 years and affected my mood greatly. I tried different products and visited the doctor but saw no improvement. My sister then recommended me to try DR's Secret.

At first, I was pretty lost about skin care but my DR's Secret skin consultant was very patient to guide and teach me the steps. He'd also help to customise and adjust my skin care routine as my skin progressed.

Within 2 weeks, the redness on my skin and facial veins reduced. With continuous use, my skin became healthier. I've used DR's Secret for more than a year now and I have also learnt to customise my own routines. I am very satisfied with the results and my current skin condition. Even my female friends would be envious about my good skin!

I thought my genetic dry skin condition was hopeless until I found DR's Secret

Qiu Rui, 32

DR's Secret review Lee Qiu Rui before
DR's Secret review Lee Qiu Rui after

Skin dryness is a genetic condition that runs in my family, which caused my sisters and I to have very dry skin since young. This also made me more prone to having pigmentation and dark spots. As a child, I had freckles all over my face.

My first skin goal was to increase the moisture levels in my skin. After 2 weeks of using DR's Secret, I started noticing the difference. My skin felt a lot more moisturised at any time of the day.

After 8 months, I had many friends ask me if I had changed my foundation product as my skin appeared so fresh and had a natural glow. I was so happy to tell them that I was foundation-free.

My favourite products are C15 Essence 7 and Skinlight T3 as they were effective in lightening my dark spots and brightened my skin tone. Now I'm a lot more confident and my skin feels a lot more clear, refreshed and radiant.

From a tired mom of four to looking radiantly beautiful

Lee Pei Pei, 34

DR's Secret review Lee Pei Pei before
DR's Secret review Lee Pei Pei after

As a mother of 4, I hardly had time to spend on myself, much less skin care. I often looked tired and my skin was sallow and dull. Friends told me that I looked like a different person before and after makeup.

After using DR's Secret for 3 months, I saw obvious results. My skin tone brightened and my skin looked healthier. I even have a radiant glow. Nowadays I simply apply sunscreen and lip colour and I'm ready to go, foundation-free!

I no longer look like a different person before and after makeup

Sammi Tsai, 37

DR's Secret review Sammi Tsai before
DR's Secret review Sammi Tsai after

My skin used to be dull and sallow and the cheek areas were especially saggy. I used to love putting on makeup but whenever I removed my makeup at night, my confidence would be affected when I saw how different I looked bare-faced.

I started noticing changes to my skin after using DR's Secret for 1 month. My skin felt cleaner and more hydrated. In less than 6 months, my friends started commenting that I looked more radiant.

My favourite product is Refining Serum 9 as it improved my enlarged pores and the elasticity of my skin including the eye area. I also love Toner T2 for its exceptional hydrating effects, giving my skin a youthful bounce.

I no longer look like a different person before and after makeup. Nowadays, I go out foundation-free and would even receive compliments for my good skin!

My saggy skin improved so much that people thought I'd slimmed down

Hong Huei Ru, 33

DR's Secret review Hong Huei Ru before
DR's Secret review Hong Huei Ru after

Since becoming a mother, I could hardly find the extra time or energy to care for my skin. My skin condition became poor - I had enlarged pores, saggy skin and droopy eyelids. I felt discouraged about how I looked, and I didn't want to stay this way.

I started to see obvious results on my skin after using DR's Secret for 6 months. My skin was firm and lifted and had a visibly brighter tone. The pores became more refined and people even thought that I had slimmed down! Refining Serum 9 is my favourite go-to product every day as it helped to firm up my skin so much.

Now I feel so much happier and more confident just looking at my good skin whenever I do my skin care routine!

I tried numerous products but only DR's Secret gave me skin confidence

Tyra Wu, 22

DR's Secret review Tyra Wu before
DR's Secret review Tyra Wu after

I started using skin care since I was 12 and tried numerous products from drugstores and specialty stores only to end up with bad breakouts on my forehead and sensitised skin.

When I started using DR's Secret, I went through a transition phase where I experienced more acne. But I was confident that this was part of the skin renewal process. True enough, my skin improved tremendously after just one month as it became more conditioned and balanced.

I found Moisturizer 6 and Refining Serum 9 especially helpful in soothing and restoring my sensitive skin. I also love Spot Serum 8 for resolving my acne problems. My skin no longer feels dry or sensitive.

Now I feel so much more confident from the inside out!

How I resolved my postpartum dull and saggy skin

Wang Hui Ting, 32

DR's Secret review Wang Hui Ting before
DR's Secret review Wang Hui Ting after

Since my student days, I've been struggling with pimples and acne problems. When I became pregnant 3 years ago, my skin started to turn dull and became saggy after giving birth.

After just 1 week of using DR's Secret products, I was able to feel positive effects. Cleanser 1 provided deep cleansing without leaving my skin feeling uncomfortably tight or dry. My skin felt smooth and soft. My skin also became really dry after giving birth and I really love Toner T2 and Moisturizer 6 for their generous hydrating qualities. In just 1 week of using DR's Secret, I felt that my skin was so much more hydrated.

In the past, I had to put on makeup every time I went out. After using DR's Secret for 6 months, I started going foundation-free! In just 1 year, my skin had regained its youthful bounce and many people are surprised to learn that I'm actually a mother.

Today, I feel really good in my skin even without makeup. My friends and family also noticed the difference and told me that my skin is now so much more radiant.

I stopped living with enlarged pores and blackheads

Abby Tsai, 35

DR's Secret review Abby Tsai before
DR's Secret review Abby Tsai after

I used to have enlarged pores, uneven skin tone and obvious blackheads around the nose area. I also had fine lines as a result of very dry skin. This affected my confidence and I would never dare to go out bare-faced.

After using DR's Secret, the above problems are all gone. The fine lines have faded, and my skin now has a radiant glow. My favourite products are Cleanser 1 and Skinlight T3. T3 helps with skin renewal, causing my skin to look more radiant.

People actually asked me if I went for cosmetic procedures, but all I did was simply changed a set of skin care products. People also commented that I looked more alive, vibrant and youthful. Now I'm feeling so much happier and I've become more positive as a person.

My dry desert skin now has a radiant glow

Eve Pek, 33

DR's Secret review Eve Pek before
DR's Secret review Eve Pek after

I used to have very dry flaky skin with eczema patches and had to use ultra-rich moisturising creams since young. My skin felt very itchy and I used to scratch it a lot, causing scarring quite often. I started using DR's Secret when I was pregnant as I felt really ill-confident about how I looked then.

Toner T2 and Moisturizer 6 helped a lot with my dry skin. They were very moisturising, calmed my skin down and absorbed quickly into my skin too. I also really like C15 Essence 7 as it helped to brighten my skin tone and also lightened the scarring and pigmentation. It makes my skin look so radiant and glowy all the time.

Today my self-confidence has improved and I do not have to put on foundation anymore. Nowadays, I just apply sunscreen and a little eye and lip makeup. Within 5 minutes I'm done and it has saved me so much time!

As I persevered on, my super sensitive skin saw great improvements

Amber Pek, 32

DR's Secret review Amber Pek before
DR's Secret review Amber Pek after

As someone with very sensitive skin, I often had breakouts, redness and rashes that resembled water blisters. I had to use a lot of foundation and concealers to cover up the redness on my skin.

I was introduced to use DR's Secret by my sister. At first, I went through a "recovery phase" for a week. My skin started exfoliating and felt rough and itchy. I wanted to stop midway, but my sister encouraged me to continue. I'm glad I persevered on because after that my skin saw great improvements.

Moisturizer 6 helped my skin a lot with its soothing properties that calmed down the redness very quickly. My two other favourite products are C15 Essence 7 and Skinlight T3. These two products helped to brighten and even out my skin tone, giving me a healthy glow.

I saw improvements in just 1 month. Today, the redness and itchiness are gone and I enjoy going foundation-free. My friends started to notice the difference and were surprised at how I can get the glowy-skin look even without makeup!

I no longer have to spend hours trying to conceal my blemishes

Chloe Chen, 28

DR's Secret review Chloe Chen before
DR's Secret review Chloe Chen after

As the owner of a beauty business, I am someone who pays a lot of attention to how I look. I had acne-prone skin and would often wear a mask to hide my frequent acne outbreaks. I tried many facials and skin care products with no lasting results. I became so ill-confident that I started to wear a mask even when I'm not at work.

I decided to give DR's Secret a try after observing a friend having great skin improvement after using the products for 4 months. At the beginning after 1 month, my skin became visibly brighter. The acne scars were still there but after 3 months, my skin improved so much that people were asking how I did it. I particularly love Skinlight T3 and Spot Serum 8 as they helped to bring my acne condition under control and greatly reduced the acne marks.

Today, I no longer have to spend an hour on makeup trying to conceal and hide my blemishes.

Dark spots and pigmentation used to be my biggest struggle, but not anymore

Mayah Shen, 38

DR's Secret review Mayah Shen before
DR's Secret review Mayah Shen after

I have dry skin prone to pigmentation. Long hours at work often means insufficient sleep which further caused my skin to become dehydrated, saggy and dull. My biggest struggle was against sun spots and dark spots that appeared after pregnancy. When a long-time friend first introduced me to DR's Secret, I was pretty sceptical. However, I saw how her extremely sensitive skin became visibly radiant and I decided to give the products a try.

My favourite products are Skinlight T3, C15 Essence 7 and Age Arrest A3. Skinlight T3 helped to brighten my dull skin in just a month, and C15 Essence 7 helped to lighten my dark spots and dark circles. My loose saggy skin felt firmer and lifted after using Age Arrest A3 too. In just 1 month, I could feel my skin becoming brighter and looking more radiant.

My friends started to notice the change and they were surprised that I actually did not put on any foundation!

After trying many methods, I finally found the solution to my acne scars and enlarged pores

Wei Yu-Han, 28

DR's Secret review Wei Yu-Han before
DR's Secret review Wei Yu-Han after

As a nurse, there are times when I have to face life-defining situations so you can imagine how high the stress level can get. I had acne-prone sensitive skin and my face would be marked with post-acne scars and enlarged pores. I used to try many skin care methods and products but saw no improvement to my skin. I thought I would just have to depend on makeup for life.

But DR's Secret was the real gamechanger. Refining Serum 9 helped to reduce the redness, provide hydration and improve my sensitive skin condition. It even helped to refine the acne scars and enlarged pores that I found so difficult to resolve.

After using DR's Secret for 3 months, the acne reduced greatly. With better skin, I grew more confident and my outlook in life became much more positive, which helped me to deal better with stress at work too. My skin feels more breathable as I no longer need to depend on heavy makeup.

I was surprised my already healthy skin could become even better

Su Yu, 22

DR's Secret review Su Yu before
DR's Secret review Su Yu after

I had pretty healthy skin, but my skin was constantly dull. I used numerous skin care products but didn't see any change. After using DR's Secret, I was surprised to find that the pores around my T-zone became a lot more refined and my skin became clearer and less dull.

I really like Skinlight T3 as it helped to resolve my skin dullness, improved my skin tone and brightened up my complexion. My two other favourites are Miraglo and Sunscreen 5. Miraglo leaves my skin feeling clean and smooth and Sunscreen 5 has a brightening effect on top of its sun protection benefits. I usually do not need to apply anything else after this step.

Within 1 month, I began to see results. Now it feels liberating to be able to head out confidently without makeup!

My skin went from severe acne to no longer acne-prone

Zhang Hong, 24

DR's Secret review Zhang Hong before
DR's Secret review Zhang Hong after

I used to love putting on makeup but without thorough cleansing, I started to develop clogged pores, severe acne and enlarged pores especially in the T-zone area.

When I first started using DR's Secret, my skin went through a purging phase. However, I continued to apply faithfully and soon enough saw huge improvement in my acne condition. Now other than during my period, I seldom develop fresh pimples. My favourite product is Refining Serum 9 as I found that it helped to refine and firm up my skin.

Though I'd only used DR's Secret for 3 months, my friends could notice the difference and told me that my skin has become so much better. Now I no longer need thick layers of foundation to cover the flaws on my skin. I can confidently go out foundation-free!

With clearer skin, I can now save on makeup

Venessa Chua, 30

DR's Secret review Venessa Chua before
DR's Secret review Venessa Chua after

I had uneven skin tone and dull skin, with occasional breakouts at the T-zone and chin area. Every day I had to put on thick layers of bb cream or foundation to look presentable, especially when my job requires me to face clients often.

My favourite DR's Secret product is Spot Serum 8, which helped to clear up my pimples and control the oil around my chin area. I also love the Miraglo cloth, which helped to exfoliate my skin and make my skin feel much more lifted after using. My friends would also notice the radiant glow on my face every time I apply Sunscreen 5.

After using DR's Secret for one month, my skin is much more stable with less pimples and skin tone has become more even. I'm more confident now and I feel happy waking up every morning confident about my good skin.

I'm no longer afraid to go foundation-free

Lucy Chang, 29

DR's Secret review Lucy Chang before
DR's Secret review Lucy Chang after

I used to have dull skin, enlarged pores and often looked tired. I would put on heavy layers of foundation, but when it came to the afternoon, my skin would start to appear oily and I had to cake on more layers of powder.

Since using DR's Secret, my pores became less visible and my dull skin now looks more radiant. I really like Cleanser 1 as it does not leave my skin feeling uncomfortably tight after washing. Refining Serum 9 helped to minimise my pores, especially around my nose and cheeks where there were more blackheads.

After using for 1 month, people started to comment that my skin looks radiant and I look fresher. Even my husband would wonder if I had put on makeup when I was actually foundation-free. Now I'm not afraid to go foundation-free and no longer have to worry about cakey makeup. It feels good that my skin looks equally fresh from morning to night!

Now my skin looks bright and glowy and feels much more breathable

Fang Yuan

DR's Secret review Fang Yuan before
DR's Secret review Fang Yuan after

My biggest skin problems were pigmentation, fine lines around the eyes and dull skin.

I've tried many products and skin care brands but none of them seemed to work. After using DR's Secret, the dark spots started fading and the fine lines were less visible with proper hydration. I personally love Skinlight T3, Skinrecon T4, Moisturizer 6, Sunscreen 5 and C15 Essence 7. My skin feels super hydrated after applying 2 to 3 pumps of Moisturizer 6.

In the past, I can never leave the house without covering up my dark spots. Now my skin looks bright and glowy and feels so much more breathable. I can confidently say that I love going foundation-free!

My skin is now so much more stable and no longer acne-prone

Lin Wen Qi

DR's Secret review Lin Wen Qi before
DR's Secret review Lin Wen Qi after

Acne had always been a never-ending cycle for me. Breakouts would occur, recover and happen again. I tried many solutions, but they could only suppress the condition without actually solving the problem. I also tried expensive beauty treatments but those caused my skin to become even more sensitive.

I got to know DR's Secret through a friend who showed me photos of how DR's Secret helped her friend with serious acne-prone skin. Her skin became so much better after using the products that I was convinced to try it myself. My beauty consultant started me off on the conditioning regime to calm and soothe my skin redness, before gradually adding on Skinlight T3 and Spot Serum 8 to help with my acne. I had to go through a purging phase but I was determined to follow through the regime.

Now my skin is so much more stable, no longer acne-prone and sensitive. There's even a natural glow! To date I've been using the products for a year and it has helped me become more confident!

With determination and patience, I bid sensitive skin and acne breakouts goodbye

Huang Sih-Yu, 34

DR's Secret review Huang Sih-Yu before
DR's Secret review Huang Sih-Yu after

I used to struggle with sensitive skin and often experienced pimple breakouts. Each time the pimples cleared up, the breakouts would return in just three days. I tried many products in the market and made regular trips to beauty salons but my skin condition did not improve. I also tried going for acid peels, medical treatments and steroids but these only caused my skin to worsen.

I got to know my beauty consultant, who recommended me to DR's Secret. She told me that as long as I followed the regimes closely, I would be able to witness skin improvement. I decided to trust my consultant and gave my full participation.

Initially, I had to go through a long transition period. After using the products for three months, my sensitive skin acted up with pimples erupting on my face. This led me to almost giving up. At the same time, my mother who was also using DR's Secret products saw noticeable improvements on her skin. Instead of reacting like my skin, her skin brightened and became more radiant. Thus, at the encouragement of my consultant, I continued to use DR's Secret products and also changed the sequence of how I used them with her recommendations.

Sure enough, a miracle happened! My skin started to brighten and my acne problem improved greatly. To date, I have been faithfully using DR's Secret for four years. Looking back, if I had chosen to give up at the beginning, I would never have witnessed my skin transformation today. Truly, great skin is worth the wait!

DR's Secret helped me live in skin confidence every day

Chiu Yu-Hsi, 41

DR's Secret review Chiu Yu-Hsi before
DR's Secret review Chiu Yu-Hsi after

In the past, I used to pay little attention to proper skin care. To me, a bar of soap was enough to cleanse my entire face and body. It was sufficient for me to only apply CC cream before leaving house. I was also unaware that stress could actually quicken our body's ageing process.

When eyelash extension was trending, I hopped on the bandwagon and visited a beauty salon. I got to know my beautician who introduced me to DR's Secret. I bought a set but was apprehensive to use the products even after bringing them home! However, knowing that Singapore held strict production standards, I decided to give them a try. I also followed my beauty consultant to the parent company, Best World Lifestyle (BWL) to learn more. I became more assured after learning that BWL is a growing company producing premium products.

After using the products for one month, the people around me realised that my skin that grew more and more radiant. The dark spots on my face also lessened tremendously. In 10 months' time, my face became firm and supple; my eyebags and fine lines also diminished. Even strangers would come up to me and ask me about my secret to great skin!

To date, I have used DR's Secret products for more than three years and I now bask in confidence every day!

My 13-year struggle with sensitive skin and acne came to an end when I found DR's Secret

Tsai Mei-I, 41

DR's Secret review Tsai Mei-I before
DR's Secret review Tsai Mei-I after

My struggle with acne and sensitive skin began 13 years ago and I have been visiting numerous doctors and beauty salons ever since. Out of desperation, I also tried folk remedies but to no avail. Instead, my skin condition weakened and became more sensitive.

I started using steroids and placed myself on long-term oral medication. However, the side effects of using steroids caused my body's metabolism to deteriorate and my face to become swollen.

I was working as a nurse in a dental clinic when I noticed a positive change in the skin complexion of a regular patient. Curious, I started asking about the products that she used and got to know about DR's Secret.

To start, I applied Skinlight T3, Spot Serum 8 and Refining Serum 9. Within just one month, I noticed a positive change in my skin condition! Even my family and patients at the clinic would ask me about the reasons for my skin transformation. Now I receive many compliments on my beautiful skin! I'm so thankful for DR's Secret!